The Consultative Approach Partnering for Results

The Consultative Approach Partnering for Results

As a professional, you can’t just apply your expertise. You need to present solutions in a way that best suits your clients. You have to work with a wide variety of people: team members, subject matter experts, top executives, and others. Working effectively with associates–while keeping an eye on budgets, schedules, and results–requires a collaborative outlook.”Successful professionals today need more than technical skills– they need to know how to foster and nourish relationships with clients. Consultative skills are essential in this process. The tools outlined in The Consultative Approach have proved to make a difference for our professionals in dealing with their clients.”
–Jon Olson, partner, Arthur Anderson

“This book is rich, not only with specific suggestions and step-by-step instructions, but also with commentary and illustrations from [the authors’] own client organizations. It is a useful book about a very important subject.”
–William Bridges, president, William Bridges & Associates

Working consultatively enables you to:

  • Know how to work effectively with all types of people
  • Use a strategic and collaborative communcation process
  • Apply your expertise in ways that show your value . . . and more!

The Consultative Approach is a how-to handbook that will enable you to reap the benefits of partnering. You’ll find informative case studies, easy-to-use assessment tools, enlightening exercises, and practical worksheets. Plus, you’ll get flow chart planning guides and a partnering strategy action plan that will enable you to chart your communication growth. The Consultative Approach has it all! Plot your path to consultative success with this comprehensive guidebook.

User Ratings and Reviews

5 Stars A must read for any professional who wants to succeed
This book offers great tips and ideas for all professions who want to provide fabulous service and be more of a business partner

5 Stars Of considerable value to anyone working in an organization.
The book focuses on working with clients – any one with whom you work. Discusses partnering with others, and building trust and commitment. Covers the skills and techniques that make up the consultative approach, managing interpersonal relations with clients, and considers several types of partnering roles. Includes a glossary, resources and references. Our review finds that this is an informative book that offers considerable value to anyone working in an organization. Recommended.

5 Stars An amazingly accessible guide on being with ANY client
It’s really refreshing to read a “business” book in language that speaks in a balanced way to both the practicality of tools AND the more conceptual threads that weave the tools together. But then, this book is all about balance, and how we can begin to create balance in the workplace for our clients (and ourselves!).

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